Blogger Michal Majchrowicz called the Nokta Impact the best metal detector among existing ones. The XP Deus owners are being advised to fade from sight and keep out of professionals’ way… Can it really be true? Continue reading
Here are the new products 2017: a Makro 7 Concentric (RC18C) mono coil for the Makro Racer and Makro Racer 2 metal detectors. Plus, a Nokta 7 Concentric (IM18C) mono coil for the Nokta Impact detector. Actually, these are the first not DD coils for given machines (including off-brand ones). Continue reading
The Nokta Impact metal detector is one of the most anticipated products of 2017. Here’s the first video showing the device. Look at this new machine: will it be able to outclass mid-level and professional detectors? Continue reading
There are new details on the expected Nokta Impact. The metal detector will have 3 frequencies! Right now, the Nokta Impact is being put through final tests. Plus, the info about a new Nokta device has appeared. Continue reading