Fisher has announced its novelty 2017 – Fisher F75 Plus (F75+)… But what did you expect? As are treasure hunters, so are new products. You were waiting for it – here it comes. Don’t say you have already seen it somewhere. Take a look: it’s a 100% new metal detector. And I urgently need your opinion! Continue reading
Can any emptiness be sold to hobby enthusiasts, and at a very high price? Fisher have revealed a new product 2017 – the Fisher F-Pulse pinpointer. First, I’ve already seen this probe somewhere. Second, I’ve also seen some product of the same color. Third, it’s no good writing mistakes in their own product’s name. Anyway, welcome the newly produced unit! Continue reading
Fisher has promised to make 15 (!) new detectors. And a smart metal detector must be atop… Any competitor must lose sleep over these words (or smile?). Continue reading