MD-Hunter Blog

Coiltek 22 DD Goldstalker coil. NEW 2017

Coiltek has announced a new product 2017 – Coiltek 22 DD Goldstalker coil – that fits the Minelab GP, Minelab GPX, Minelab SD machines (all of them are specifically made for finding gold nuggets). Coiltek has already had a similar coil (identical shape, size, name) in its model lineup, but it’s been a Mono version. The new coil comes as DD type. Continue reading

Quest Wire-Free WTX wireless headphones. NEW 2018

Quest Metal Detectors has announced a new product 2018 – Quest Wire-Free WTX wireless headphones. Not everyone recognizes this manufacturer, but still… Take a look: these Chinese wireless headphones obviously look better than those from Minelab and Garrett, although worse than the ones from XP. Continue reading

Fisher F-Pulse pinpointer (video, price). NEW 2017

Can any emptiness be sold to hobby enthusiasts, and at a very high price? Fisher have revealed a new product 2017 – the Fisher F-Pulse pinpointer. First, I’ve already seen this probe somewhere. Second, I’ve also seen some product of the same color. Third, it’s no good writing mistakes in their own product’s name. Anyway, welcome the newly produced unit! Continue reading