In Eastern Europe, there is a large virtual auction where treasure hunters sell their finds. There are times when the items are right out of the hole, with the dirt on them. Want to see what is being sold by hunters, and what the price is? Some finds are really amazing. Continue reading
I always recheck the hole after picking up a find. Such a habit provides meaningful results as there can often be several items lying in one hole. See an example of how such habit helped a treasure hunter not to miss a hoard. Continue reading
There are finds that make your head go round. Want to see that kind of thing? It’s a treasure hunter’s true happiness! Unless you think about how many people’s lives were ruined by this find back in its day. Continue reading
Is it a good day when you have only one coin in your pocket after spending the whole day searching? Coins are different. See the photos of a lonely find – a very rare old coin. Continue reading
An ordinary digger’s coil has picked up a coin – Aureus of Caracalla… Is it a good find? Are you aware that the emperor Caracalla was a digger, too? But he was fond of digging in royal tombs. Continue reading