How to increase the number of items to be found by ordinary treasure hunter? To make him hunt more. How to increase the number of items to be found by robot’s owner? He should add one more robot to his fleet. Continue reading
How to increase the number of items to be found by ordinary treasure hunter? To make him hunt more. How to increase the number of items to be found by robot’s owner? He should add one more robot to his fleet. Continue reading
A treasure hunter sold a unique find at an illegal auction… See the photos: the gold coin, ducat 1609, sold for $14,804… Although it’s simply a little piece of gold, weighing only 3.5 grams. Continue reading
What two kinds of discoveries aren’t diminishing? It’s meteorites and beach finds. Watch the new beach hunting video. Gold finds – that’s great! Continue reading
Here’s an interesting video comparison of the Garrett ACE 400 and Bounty Hunter Land Ranger PRO metal detectors. Why does the Land Ranger PRO have different VDI? Continue reading
To all White’s MXT Pro and MXT All Pro owners: watch the new training video provided by the manufacturer. Basic settings and use, advanced settings, battery and headphones, search coils. Continue reading
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