Everybody has the armrests broken… If the item is plastic, no matter what model or manufacturer… Only the question of time and usage rate. Continue reading
Everybody has the armrests broken… If the item is plastic, no matter what model or manufacturer… Only the question of time and usage rate. Continue reading
What would happen if the metal detector coil were frozen? It continues to work. It is amazing! Watch the video, frozen coil. Continue reading
The comfortable pinpointer with universal power supply: AA and ‘krona’ batteries. Adjustable sensitivity, super depth… smoothly turning into false responses. And what is more, the Whites TRX pinpointer is not able to search in a horizontal plane. Continue reading
The Garrett ClearSound Easy Stow headphones have been earlier supplied complete with the Garrett Euro ACE metal detector. Watch the photo of headphones. Continue reading
Watch the photo report, Mars Goliath coil for Minelab X-Terra 705. Round 15 inches DD. Continue reading
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