Whites TreasureMaster and Whites TreasurePro. NEW 2015!

Screw me dead! Whites has rolled out the new products of 2015. These are the low-end Whites TreasureMaster and Whites TreasurePro metal detectors – yet another ACE 250 ‘killers’. And they will probably get it! See all features of Whites TreasureMaster and Whites TreasurePro.

Here’s a 16-segment discrimination, 4-tone and 8-tone audio response, power supply with 2 AA batteries. Also, the TreasurePro has a display backlight and both detectors have been declared as water resistant machines. The announced features are impressive!

Whites TreasureMaster


Price for Whites TreasureMaster: $299.95.


Whites TreasurePRO


Price for Whites TreasurePro: $399.95. This is an upper bound for inexpensive metal detectors.



Comparison of Whites TreasureMaster and Whites TreasurePro features. Well! If everything works as expected, the Garrett ACE are becoming a thing of the past.


Whites TreasureMaster Whites TreasurePro
Type ground and underwater ground and underwater
Search Coil Whites 9 Concentric Whites 10 DD
Technology VLF VLF
Frequency 8,2 kHz 8,2 kHz
Display Yes, Monochrome Yes, Monochrome
Number of search modes 4 5
Targer ID (VDI) Yes Yes
Visual Target ID 8-Segment 16-Segment
Ground Balancing Automatic Automatic (+ tracking)
Pinpoint Yes Yes
Audio-ID 4-Tone 8-Tone
Adjusting the volume Yes Yes
Screen Backlight No Yes
Power 2 AA 2 AA
Weight 1,27 kg (2,8 lbs) 1,36 kg (3 lbs)
Water Resistant Yes Yes


The fact that both metal detectors have been announced as water resistant devices doesn’t ring a bell. Until a clear standard is pointed out, it is impossible to understand whether new Whites detectors can be submerged in water or not.


It’s a real battle of the giants in a class of low-end metal detectors! Fisher has rolled out a new F11-F22-F44 range (the two latter machines kind of aren’t afraid of water, but it’s just words). Minelab has launched its cheap Go-Find 20-40-60 on sale, which have already had a chance not to catch hunters’ fancy. And now here is Whites with its mini Whites Treasure range. So we are waiting news from Garrett (a waterproof Garrett ACE with display backlight?).

All about the Whites TreasurePro is collected here (news, tests, comparisons with other devices, different reviews and opinions). Plus, on Knowledgebase pages there is additional information you should know before buying the Whites TreasurePro. The experience of others will help you save your time and money. Happy hunting to everyone!

39 Responses to Whites TreasureMaster and Whites TreasurePro. NEW 2015!

  • A sleeping metal detector giant has been re-awoken…. Looks like a LOT of machine for the money and White’s has always been top notch with everything they do.

    Looking forward to getting one….

  • At first glance, the new Whites TreasureMaster and Whites TreasurePro look like a modified version of the Bounty Hunter Platinum. Do the manufacturers already order their new products directly from 1st Texas?

    • White’s and First Texas are 2 completely different companies. White’s manufacturers their own machines in Oregon. First Texas is a conglomerate of Fisher, Teknetics & Bounty Hunter. They’re competitors with equally capable products. For those dissing White’s because of the ‘old, heavy metal boxes’, they are the best constructed detectors made IMHO and very well balanced. At one time, they were top dawg and were probably able to rest on their own innovations for awhile until the other manufacturers played catch up.

      • Is that a Dirt joke?
        1) White’s and First Texas are 2 completely different companies.(True statement.)
        2) White’s manufactures their own machines in Oregon.(True statement.)
        3) First Texas is a conglomerate of Fisher, Teknetics & Bounty Hunter.(True statement.)
        4) They’re competitors with equally capable products.(False statement.)
        Read – They’re losers with equally uncapable products.
        5) For those “dissing” (colloq.) White’s because of the ‘old, heavy metal boxes’,
        they are the best costructed detectors made IMHO and well balanced. (Neither True
        no False. IMHO is IMHO.)
        6) At one time, they were top dawg (dog, god, what?) and were probably able to rest
        on their own innovations for a while until the other manufacturers played catch up.
        (All False statement.) Read – White’s “rests in peace” on their “secret innovations”
        unknown to wide public.
        White’s Electronics is the first candidate to join 1st Texas!

  • Add: Whites Treasure Master video by Kellyco.

  • When the first information about the Minelab Go-Find appeared, I immediately wanted to take this device in hand and try it out. But with each subsequent video that appeared from the manufacturer (and the users), my desire has been decreasing. Even now, I have no wish to take the Minelab Go-Find in hand (except for making sure so it is – a rattly plastic toy).

    Here is another case. Having watched this video I believed even more that the new White’s Treasure MASTER and White’s Treasure PRO could really become the Dark Prince laying the Garrett ACE to rest.

    • Without being too critical, you sound like a white’s (heavy, oudated metal machines) dealer. After using the hi tech new MINELABS, I would recommend the high tech uptodate tough plastic GoFinds. You may be surprised at the performance of our Austrailian friends engineering abilities.

      • You tellin’ me there’s no ‘heavy’ Minelabs? I wouldn’t buy one ’cause they’re impossible to get serviced in the states and I hear their customer service sucks monkeys.

        White’s machines really aren’t heavy. They’re very well balanced and built like tanks. I’d take aircraft aluminum over ABS plastic any day.

    • I have a new Treasuremaster. I am actually a Whites, Garrett, Fisher, Deteknix dealer. It’s very impressive – I can’t think of any detector that offers so many real features for well under $300. I had it out in the rain too, with zero consequences.

      I’ve never liked the Garrett Ace series despite selling a ton of them. They always struck me as a toy. The Treasuremaster is a real metal detector and should do quite well once it ‘catches on’.

      The new Fishers are looking good too but when in the world will they get here?

  • I called the Whites sales dept. and the 3rd week in July is the latest release date for the TreasurePro.

  • White’s TreasureMaster and TreasurePro are both refurbished
    version of Bounty Hunter Platinum (Pro).
    You’d better buy old and reliable Bounty Hunter!
    (Additional coil Detech Ultimate 13” is strongly recommended!)

    • White’s has absolutely nothing to do with First Texas products. They are their own company, with their own r&d. Believe me. This is not a ‘reworked Bounty Hunter Platinum’. The Bounty Hunter Platinum is the same unit as the Teknetics Gamma 6000.

    • I designed the hardware and some of the software for the new Treasure detector, there is, and has never been a tie in between these detectors and any product of 1’st Texas. I have no idea of why anyone would ever make such a statement. This was a new, from scratch, design, and we didn’t copy anyone.

    • Good grief. (slaps hand firmly against forehead)

      • They will never confess any trace of 1st Texas in “their” product!

  • yet another low end machine will this be any good I doubt it as good as the at-pro no or the new minelab no low end means low end detecting

  • I think they both look great, would like to try out the treasure master pro. first hand and give them
    my thoughts on, what is good and what is bad, and what they could do to inprove on the machine, thanks

  • I am sorry to say but White’s has absolutely anything
    to do with Fist Texas products, bcause White’s is in
    very deep crisis. With their own R&D they were not
    able to do anything good for last 40 years (except
    Spectrum XLT), so they had to beg FT for help!
    The Bounty Hunter Platinum is the same unit as
    Fisher F5, Teknetics Delta/Gamma/Omega.

    • ET phone home, you’re wrong about the Treasure’s. You’re also wrong about White’s products since the XLT. I’m no longer a White’s Employee so I’m free to tell you so!

      • First: I never “phone sweet home”.
        Second: Am I wrong? Are the White’s products
        since XLT are getting worse and worse?
        Third: What about a piece of hardware you
        did for TreasurePro? I suspect that you just
        cut off the elbow support from Bounty Hunter
        and connected it using chewing gum to lower
        part “inherited” from Prism/Coinmaster.

      • ET, are you just a delusional, professional liar, or do you have some vested interest? Either way, everything you’ve said about the Treasures’ is pure unadulterated BS. And everything Dirt Digger Jr. and I have said is true.

        Written in honor of Bob C., deceased, long time White’s employee with whom I fought with for a decade all toward the good of the Detectors we made together.


      • to Richard Lavine from Eugene TERMINATOR
        Richard, I assure you that I have no “vested interest”!
        Everything I say about White’s Electronics “in general” and
        White’s metal detectors “in particular” – is pure truth!
        I am former R&D electronics engineer and the author of several
        metal detectors “widely known in very narrow circles”.
        MD Terminator-4, MD Terminator-3, MD Terminator-2012(SuperTerminator-4),
        MD Terminator-PRO, MD Megatron, plus I published some theoretical
        ideas for multy-frequency MD Megatronik-MFT.
        MD Terminator project is non-commercial and is easily available for everyone!
        Besides I have White’s Coinmaster Pro and I know “how well it works”!

  • I hunted for years with a buddy who had an Ace 250…..I hunted with a White’s 2005 Prism 4… He always got crushed by the Whites. One time at a 19th century homesite I got a beautiful hit— 8 inches deep id’ed as a quarter….I was so impressed with this hit I called him over to analyse it– since he was a novice hunter and me the 40-year veteran… He pressed his Ace to the ground— NOTHING!
    He turned up his sensitivity…NOTHING! The White’s Prism sang out strong with a leisurely sweep…
    You should have seen his eyes when at 10 inches deep a beautiful 1829 Large Cent came out, with a date you could read at 3 feet away… This was 2007….I’m still using the White’s Prism 4 today in 2015 and over 3,000 silver coins later. The Garrett? Broke down and thrown away. Whites make a great machine. The TreasurePro will be my next machine.

    • I have five metal detectors now.
      They are not expensive and they were
      bought to test them and find out what
      is good and what is bad with them.
      1) Bounty Hunter Platinum Pro plus Detech Ultimate 13” coil from
      Fisher F5, plus elliptical 6×10” coil from Fisher F5.
      2) White’s Coinmaster Pro (read: Prism 4) with stock 9,5” coil.
      3) Terminator Pro with DD 27cm 12kHz coil.
      4) Garrett Euro Ace with stock 8,5×11” coil.
      5) Bounty Hunter Tracker IV that was bought two weeks
      ago for 100USD.
      So, to some extent, I know what I am talking about.

      • 6) Tesoro Compadre Turbo.
        7) Sorex Pro from AKA.
        8) Fisher F75 (2010) from First Texas Product.
        10) Tianxun TX-850 from China.
        11) Equinox/Eunuch 800 from Australian kangaroo.

      • P.S. 9) There was something else but I don’t remember.

  • Hi folks…now using my new Treasure Pro….would say if you are over 6 feet tall problem…it is very short shaft…just had to buy longer one to stop getting back pain bending over….

  • Is this device can reach up to 3meter depth? Please let me know before i buy.

  • Surprisingly, I have pulled coins out of the ground with the cheapest of detectors, subsequently to searching the front yard with garretts, whites, bounty hunters and minelabs. Have used just about every metal detector made in the past 45 yrs, and I still miss the information that the analog meter gave me. When the meter pegged/swept radically fast, you knew it was a good target. this feature is missing on all digital detectors. And if you talk to a schooled electrician, they will agree, digital meters do not yield the same information that an analog meters do. I wonder if anyone out there will ever included this feature again on a modern detector.

  • I have had the treasure pro for a month now pros nice feel & user friendly picks up small coins really well cons to many false signals, wont detectc a gold ring, doesnt like wet beach sand im getting rid of it my old minelab sovereign xs 2 did a better job

  • Make sure you bring your reading glasses, printing to small never know which mode I am in. to confusing to use, sounds like a bumble bee. Keep borrowing my friends Whites GT Best machine ever. Sorry I bought the Treasure pro, going to find a used GT now that I’m stuck with this treasure pro.

  • I also bought a TreasurePRO……worst mistake I ever made . My ACE 250 found more stuff.

    Hopefully I can sell this TreasurePRO and put the money towards a Garrett AT PRO .

    • What is wrong with your Treasure Pro?

      • I live in England and have just brought a treasure pro very impressed used it twice and have already had a roman brooch a roman coin also a medieval cut half short cross penny 800 years old at 7 inches

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