How to easily find a hunting partner. Digger’s Way

The main problem for a newbie is that he doesn’t know where to go on a treasure hunt. Do you hope that anybody will take you along and show his rich hunting spots? There exists an old rule for hunters, take note of it and anyone will be ready to go with you.


When looking for a new hunting buddy, remember: nobody wants to reveal his spots. But anyone, however, is ready to reconnoiter the new sites.

Suggest reconnoitering the new hunting sites. Split the expenses fifty-fifty. And it is fair enough. In the process of such reconnoitering, a beginning hunter will receive his initial knowledge, where as an experienced hunter will have a companion. And both will get their common hunting spot, due to which these fellow diggers will probably buddy up.

14 Responses to How to easily find a hunting partner. Digger’s Way

  • Choose your detectingbuddies with care!
    In the past I’ve had some bad experiences with a few, losing permissions because of their behaviour.

  • I am an experienced detector who enjoys hunting along very old railroad grades, those of the link and pin era, which are mostly old logging railroad grades. I hunt in the central-western part of Lower Michigan, centered on but not restricted to the Lake County area. My long-time hunting partner has some health problems which are restricting/prohibiting him from going out with me, and its more enjoyable (and safer!) to go deep into the woods, on public land, with a partner.

    • I’d like to explore with u as of a new guy to this it’s very interesting to me to know my history an how eager I am to learn an become a hunter

    • Iam looking for partnerok

  • Hello
    I have been hunting for over 40 ys , my hunting partners have bad health.
    I retired so i could hunt more.I live in Shippensburg Pa. Would like to find a healthy retired person that is as crazy as i am about hunting. I do alot of research and have been very successful finding new spots. But i hate hunting by myself.

  • from Canada and looking for a hunting partner in netherlands July 3 – 16

  • I’m a new Hunter ready to travel the states and anywhere needed to find lost treasures … I’m from Michigan tho.. I’m 30 and got the motivation

  • I want to join the team of finding lost treasure……. Contact me I’ll tell you more about the lost treasure in Meghalaya India

  • Hi all lm single traveled through the Sahara desert. .lived and worked in America Africa and Lived in Australia for 10 years when l was younger. I’ve delt with jewellery and antiques for about 30 years. .now lve got time on my hands .lm going to start doing some treasure hunting even thinking of going back to Australia. .if anyone is genuine and interested in joining me get in touch ..North west uk

  • Hello everyone, I am from Philippines and I have so many legit sites in our Province. I need a Partner that has a Ground Penetrating Radar so that we can pinpoint the exact spot of the buried treasure during World War 2.

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