Detector Pro Pistol Probe Knowledgebase → Pinpointers → Detector Pro Pistol Probe Description. Dual LED visual indicators. Two audio volume levels. Manual tuning. Holster included. Features Manufacturers: Detector Pro (USA) Model: Pistol Probe Type: pinpointer Protection against water: water resistant Audible alarm: Yes Vibration alarm: No Adjustable sensitivity: Yes Length: 0 cm Weight: 0 grams Battery: 9V Additionally 3 Responses to Detector Pro Pistol Probe Darryl Siegfried on 2018-09-07 at 16:28 Where can I send pistol probe for repairs. mdhunter on 2018-09-24 at 05:47 Pinpointer Test 2018: XP MI-6 vs. DetectorPro PistolProbe mdhunter on 2018-09-24 at 05:48 result table: Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Select an image for your comment (GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG):Δ
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Where can I send pistol probe for repairs.
Pinpointer Test 2018: XP MI-6 vs. DetectorPro PistolProbe
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