MD-Hunter Blog

Warning to Minelab Equinox 600-800 owners

If you think buying their machine is the only thing MD manufacturers want from you, you are mistaken. They want a long-lasting love from you so that you never stopped paying. And it’s a sure thing that no one will make a detector that will last for your entire life as there appear new technologies, new opportunities… The new Minelab Equinox owners complained about a small trouble. It’s a thing everyone willing to buy this unit should know about. Continue reading

Minelab Equinox 800 in Ground Depth Test. Is it a revolution?

Here’s testing the ground depth while using the Minelab Equinox 800 with an EQX 11 DD coil. And this machine has no choice but to show revolutionary results – Minelab’s promise given obliges them to stand by their words now. Oh, I am really on tiptoes with eagerness to try the new Equinox 800 and surpass some poor fellow with his miserable Garrett AT Max or third-rate XP Deus! Ain’t that right, Minelab? I will easily make mincemeat of them, won’t I? Continue reading

Nokta Anfibio and Nokta Invenio (smart machine). NEW 2018

Nokta have revealed the new products 2018 – a Nokta Anfibio and a smart Nokta Invenio detectors. Quite unexpectedly, they’ve also shown the prototype of their future machine and, again, it’s a new underwater mini metal detector. What do you think of such a turn of events from the Turkish manufacturer? Watch the video! Continue reading

Minelab Go-Find coil cover made from rubber hot-water bottle

It’s a problem to find a cover for the Minelab Go-Find coil as it isn’t supplied with the latter. The solution can be found only if you do a coil cover yourself. And so every enthusiast chooses his own option. For instance, making a coil cover from his granny’s rubber hot-water bottle. Looks good but what is to be done with its weight? Continue reading

Do not metal detect on furrowed beaches. A tip I didn’t know about!

If you see a beach having a freshly combed appearance, with long straight furrows – as it is common on luxurious beaches where women are carrying diamonds and men are wearing gold crosses like priests do – there is no need even to unzip your MD backpack. At least half of all finds there, if not all of them, have already been picked up by others. How pleasant it is to walk along such a beach after all! Without finds though (( This tip is included in the book “Gold Things People Found On The World’s Beaches”. By the way, did you read this book? How do you like it? Continue reading