Green colored Garrett Euro ACE (China fake). Photo

The Chinese have rolled out a NEW 2015… A Garrett Euro ACE fake green in color. It’s a good thing that Grandpa Garrett will no longer see it. And it’s yet another signal sent to his son – time to update the Garrett ACE!


Here’s the Raider MD 6350 (copy of the Garrett Euro ACE) with not yellow, but green housing. By the way, parents of the famous Ace were also green. Is it a hint?





All about metal detector fakes is here. This autumn Garrett is expected to roll out the new products. There is a high probability that the Garrett ACE model range will be changed. Also, updating will touch the Garrett GTI 2500 (will it be the GTI 3500?).

I think Garrett will act in such a way… In autumn, it will show an intriguing video. And in January, it will demonstrate the new products in whole at CES 2016. We are waiting!

2 Responses to Green colored Garrett Euro ACE (China fake). Photo

  • questo metal funziona molto bene non si tratta di una semplice imitazione ma va ben oltre

  • Check out the fake or whatever CORS coil for the Chinese rebranded Ace 250’s, Euro and 350’s the MD 6250 and MD 6350. I have found them unbranded for as low as $69 and tax delivered. In the link below it has the CORS sticker on it, but is about $110 even at that still almost half the reel coil price.

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