What must the poorest treasure hunter’s metal detector look like? And if its owner finds a hoard, will he buy himself a new machine? See amazing photos of the hoard and sad detector.
From the owner
I often mention a treasure hunting principle – all metal detectors yield finds. What kind of finds? It depends only on your luck and insistence. Happy hunting to everyone!
Love the pictures of the beat up detector with the hoard…looks like an ace 250 with a tornado coil to me…love it! I love my ace 250. Tried other detectors. Nothing else for me. I can understand keeping it. Awesome!
? feio mas funciona! Legal.
The coil on this detector is Mars Goliath from MarsMD.
I have such coil for my Ace Euro.
P.S. The shaft was taken from AKA Signum.
That is the most beautiful detector I ever seen barnone