In Eastern Europe, there is a large virtual auction where treasure hunters sell their finds. There are times when the items are right out of the hole, with the dirt on them. Want to see what is being sold by hunters, and what the price is? Some finds are really amazing. Continue reading
An ordinary digger’s coil has picked up a coin – Aureus of Caracalla… Is it a good find? Are you aware that the emperor Caracalla was a digger, too? But he was fond of digging in royal tombs. Continue reading
Metal detecting is like the lottery – one single treasure hunt can make you a millionaire. The only thing you need to do is go on this hunt, otherwise millions of dollars will fall to somebody else’s lot. See the TOP finds recovered by ordinary treasure hunters while using metal detectors. Continue reading
Items found by ordinary hunters can be really surprising… And it is not just a matter of their rarity or price. There are spooky stories underneath some finds. Here is an example: Aureus of Valerian I. Continue reading
You get a cool find out of the hole and say WOW… It’s probably because of this that we dig in the mud –in both heat and cold. See the photos: an amazing item found by an ordinary hunter. He doesn’t know what to do with it. Continue reading