A recovery speed test has always been a weak point for the Garrett ACE metal detectors. To be quite honest, these machines aren’t capable of passing this test. Has anything changed in the new Garrett ACE 400? Watch the video. Continue reading
A recovery speed test has always been a weak point for the Garrett ACE metal detectors. To be quite honest, these machines aren’t capable of passing this test. Has anything changed in the new Garrett ACE 400? Watch the video. Continue reading
Have you ever seen finds related to the Yamna culture? These artifacts are 3,500 years old! The metal detector won’t pick up such a thing. Continue reading
Have I said that it’s a super rare find? I’ve been mistaken. The find isn’t rare. It’s the only one of its kind. If this crucifix were for sale, a porter would be needed for your wallet. See the photos: an item found by an ordinary treasure hunter. Continue reading
XP claims that the new version 4.0 will work with any XP Deus. It’s just a software update. Any owner of this machine will be able to try new opportunities. It’s awesome! Continue reading
If the machine has a good recovery speed, it’s certainly a plus. But anyway, the number of finds will depend entirely upon you. Watch the video: here is a White’s MX Sport in an attempt to pass the recovery speed test. Continue reading
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