MD-Hunter Blog

Opening the Garrett GTI 2500. Inside pictures

Here’s a pictorial report of the Garrett GTI 2500 teardown for repair. What’s inside the electronics housing. What microcircuits are used in this machine. Everything is seemingly based on modern technology, but still, the Garrett GTI 2500 is definitely the device from the past. I wish you all happy hunting without breakage! Continue reading

Fisher CZ-3D & Teknetics Omega 8000: recovery speed test

Here are the Fisher CZ-3D and Teknetics Omega 8000 machines being tested on their ability to separate close together targets. The comparison test is being conducted with the stock coils, in a Monte’s Nail Board Test format. It’s a really difficult test for metal detectors. Continue reading

Comparison: White’s TRX vs Garrett Pro-Pointer. Video

In my opinion, a White’s TRX pinpointer isn’t usable enough as, for instance, a Garrett Pro-Pointer is. The White’s TRX doesn’t complete a full 360° detection area – providing a tip only detection. There are also other opinions, though… Watch the video: White’s TRX vs Garrett Pro-Pointer. Continue reading