Good news: 5000-6000 kilograms of meteorites fall to the Earth in 24 hours. It’s a pity most are submerged, but there are also enough of them in the soil.
Meteorites are a super category of targets for hunting. They are expensive and regularly replenished. The only problem is how to identify a meteorite. The finds similar to rocks and giving a metal detector’s response are not uncommon at hunts. How to distinguish a meteorite from the artifact of terrestrial origin. Photo, meteorites and similar to them.
How to identify a meteorite
Two important features. A meteorite never has an inner horizontal structure (layers). A meteorite does not look like a river rock.
Surface with a fusion crust. If it has such, it is a hopeful sign. But if a meteorite has lain in the soil or outside, the surface can lose its glaze (by the way, it is mostly thin – 1-2mm).
Shape. A meteorite can have any shape, even square one. But if it is a regular-shaped ball or sphere, most likely, it isn’t a meteorite.
It magnetizes. Almost all meteorites (about 90%) adhere to any magnet. But there are a lot of natural rocks on the Earth having the same features. If you see it is a metal which doesn’t adhere to a magnet, it is the 99% find of terrestrial origin.
Appearance. 99% of all meteorites don’t have quartz inclusions, as well as ‘bubbles’. But the grain structure is often present. A hopeful sign is ‘plastic depressions’ resembling thumb-like imprints in plasticine (their scientific name is Regmaglypts). Meteorites most commonly contain iron, which, having fallen to the Earth, begins to oxidize, it is outwardly a rusty rock))
Pour moui meteorit
I want yo find
I live in southern California and have found two possible meteorites one of which marbled with gold. Before i refine the gold to sell i would like to get them validated and appraised. Who would i contact in order to do so?
What I do for metal and nickel meteors cut a flat peace to expose the inside and shine it to a mirror finish drop some drops of meratic acid at least 76% to the mirror finish and it should like etch the separation lines between the iron/nickel the only way for it to be deemed a meteorite is its tested by proper people probably find on the net .you have to disclose GPS location name ect.
I lived in California for a year while working in San Jose . I lived in a town called Gilroy. I am certain that I have found several meteorites. If someone would be willing to help me find a person who good identify some of the 2500 lbs of rocks that I have, I Would be delighted to share profits from the ones you could sell for me.
Do you have good pictures of the rocks you suspect to be meteorites? I’m from Pacific Grove but have been living in Oregon For the last 35 years. Send me some pictures and we will go from there.
I have found a massive sight for meteorite gem like rocks. They look a lot like lava rocks but some are so golden or blue some orange with streaks of yellow some purple or deep reddish brown orange. There’s also onyx and well jade much gold comes outta these rocks. Some look just like glass.. a lot of them almost all of which have clumps of this iron or metal all over in and or around them.. these rocks some look like coal some straight metal .. I have boulders of this stuff . All my friends love the beautiful colors I’m pulling outta them. And the amazing crystals that are attached. Some look like grey solid normal mountain rocks some like half sand or brick or some type of white sand like material or specks of charcoal attached to the rocks once u crack open. I’ve cracked open these rocks and even witnessed flys fly outta them or have living root like plants in them. I about 15 or 17 yrs ago had a friend send in a rock to his buddy whoms an archeologist I guess and the paper work that came back stated some type of dinosaur I guess they have heard of but r looking for location. Now they know it’s in OGDEN UTAH , and THE ROCK ALSO CONTAINED jade and 24 karate gold SPECKLES.. IT LISTED EVERY KIND OF METAL EVEN NICKLE IRON ZINK ALUMINUM PLATNUM..
I have equipment to test and I usually charge $30 a sample but im willing to labor for real meteorites.
I’m really booked right now but in about a month we can work something out.
I thought I found petrified wood in river in tn. But looking at this thread it looks like meteorite I’ll att. A pic .
I have a few possible breccia type rocks that attract a magnet. .passes the scratch test.. has fusion crust on dark colored rocks and remnants of fusion crust on other small rocks in this cluster. It also has some green type of creatures in places that appear to be in some type of hibernation or frozen state. I will send pictures to show what i have if you show me where or how to send them. Sincerely larry gill
Sorry for the delay. Send pics to mymeteoritestory at gmail start with rocks that are attracted to a magnet and have a different color on the outside then on the inside. I’m actually from Pacific Grove and will be in the area soon so if there is some time we can possibly meet up so I can see the rocks.
Can you post some pictures
I have find this
I am not sure if is a meteorite
Is very heavy. Maybe double density
Inside I have find crystal.
I have 1000kg found in my village in west Africa can someone tell if it is worth bringing it to the USA
I have 2000kg found in my village in west Africa needs to if it is worth bringing to the USA?
Check these out
Some colorful ones.