To be honest, I was waiting for the comparison of the Minelab Equinox 800 not with the Minelab CTX 3030, much less with the XP Deus. Don’t make me laugh. A truly interesting detector to be compared with the Minelab Equinox 800 is the Garrett AT PRO. That’s really intriguing! And it finally happened: here’s a comparison between the Minelab Equinox 800 and Garrett AT PRO + XP Deus.

All about the Minelab Equinox 800 is collected here (news, tests, comparisons with other devices, different reviews and opinions). Plus, on Knowledgebase pages there is additional information you should know before buying the Minelab Equinox 800. The experience of others will help you save your time and money. Happy hunting to everyone!
Was the power level down on all 3 detectors, or just the AT Pro?
Good point but the AT Pro is not known to be a deep machine.
How deep are most detectors supposed to go?? I live in South Oz and am new to detecting and my AT Pro which I found out after purchase I should have got the At Pro international for the ground mineralization here , but at the beach gets pretty far down… I get coins of the beach at 15 to 18-19 and pulled a old pipe (the wacky kind) ???? out of a hole that was underneath a pretty big rock..big enough I strained to move the rock and the hole had to be in the twenties… how deep would i expect the Equinox to go on the beach???
Way to many FAKE NEWS videos on this machine. May as well just turn on the TV If I want to watch BS. When will someone take it out and show some real detecting in real world situations and stop creating these videos that try to show how bad the completion is. SHOW ME THE TRUTH. I can make your machine look bad against my 1980 Radioshack detector if I want to also if you like.
I knew the AT Pro would not win a depth test. It is an average depth machine at best. Instead of an AT pro you should have used an Nokta Impact or a Makro Kruzer.
Or use the AT Gold or AT Max, both of which have a “true” all metal mode and go much deeper. Regardless, put the machine to full power for Pete sake.
Yeah, looks like the At Pro is two or three notches down. That’s at least an inch taken off.
That means the ATMax will be the Equinox on this target. Probably the ATGold too.
AT MAX 722.45$
EQUINOX800 899.00$
XP DEUS 1.520.00$
There is a difference in price.
Exclude xp deus!
You dont need to exclude the Deus on price, a Deus light with WS4 and 11″ coil is around the same price as these machine.
Here is my issue I use the XP Deus and the AT Pro and I will say the XP Deus runs circles all day around the AT Pro. In these videos I would agree that the ST Pro is substandard to the Equinox 800 at it Pro Zero mode no matter the depth for gold, coins clad or silver, etc….but in these videos he plainly states that the XP Deus is in its standard mode and the Equinox 800 is in Gold mode when testing for gold and another mode when testing for other coins but never adjusts the XP Deus to any other mode? The guy needs to learn how to the XP Deus properly and I am more then sure that he will find that the XP Deus will out perform the Equinox 800 All day long…..
Yes the Deus probably will but as you say it needs someone who knows how to use it and use it with the best settings for the test.
Here is my issue I use the XP Deus and the AT Pro and I will say the XP Deus runs circles all day around the AT Pro. In these videos I would agree that the AT Pro is substandard to the Equinox 800 at it Pro Zero mode no matter the depth for gold, coins clad or silver, etc….but in these videos he also plainly states that the XP Deus is in its standard mode with no modification or using any of the pre loaded programs and the Equinox 800 is in Gold mode when testing for gold and another mode when testing for other coins but never adjusts the XP Deus to any other modes? The guy needs to learn how to use the XP Deus properly and I am more then sure that he will find that the XP Deus will out perform and run circles around the Equinox 800 All day long…..
Awesome…can someone with a equinox compare the equinox with the millions of people who do not have one? Ya it’s a real problem that mine lab just keep sticking their heads in the sand when confronted. I think they should recall all there equinoxes to add a new feature. They can put a trigger
When you pull it mode1 find an equinox, mode 2 find a minelab employee who have an actual answer to a question mode 3 well that we can keep a secret for now…
Watching the depth video… if anyone thinks they are going to be digging coins at 14inches they have not been detecting long.. my guise is … even if you got a signal it would sound so much like shit you probably would not dig it.. videos like this are not REAL WORLD realistic …
I have an XP Deus for 6 months, Friend has a Whites XLT 10 year old machine… we check signals in real time… so far he can get 9 out of 10 signals I get in live one on one in ground found targets…
I use el?ptical coil with freq at 74 and can pick any gold or chain I’ve tested his can’t and my old Whites DFX could not… but I also dig tons of tiny trash targets
I often hunt in 8 or sometimes even 4khz to get a little extra depth with my Deus but it still pulls up tiny little targets and i too dig lots of tiny trash.
The preceding g. I’m driving yz seem to represent the views of people who “support brands“ rather than “compare specific machines.” I need s real fact to fact comparison of the MineLab EQUINOX 800 and the Garrett AT PRO — and would appreciate suggestions about similarly priced detectors that will outperform those I have named. Thanks, Folks
I use a high power magnet – when i feel “anchored” to a spot, being pulled to the earth – I just start digging with a shovel like there’s no tomorrow – works every time!!! Hell, I even found my ex-wife’s old vibrator in a haybarn hooked up to a 24v car battery system !
My girl just goes with 4 aaa batts, call us old-fashioned . As far as comparisons go on any detectors, your going to find what everybody‘s been posting is correct. Unless you get sombody?s who’s familiar with every machine they’re testing your never going to find an honest video on youtube . Its not a subjective matter, there is a 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc, but that video does not exist yet. Im happy with my 2013 AT Pro ( after the bugs got worked out ) and am also wondering what issues have come up on the Minelab nox?, it being fairly new to the field. I think like i‘ll wait another few months for them to work out any tweaks that may arise on the “Nox” ,but it sounds promising ,and be my next purchase ,but will always keep my first love the ATP for a dependable back up., if not first string._.._..
Interesting how a new detector always ‘smokes’ an older model. I think the AT pro is good. They neglect to mention the equinox is quite delicate
I have been detecting for about 6 years now. I started with the Garret Ace 350 then I got an AT PRO and next the AT GOLD. So yeah, I have always been kind of partial to Garrett machines, and I believe they are dang good detectors. I will never part with either of my AT detectors. This time though, I purchased the Equinox 800. Now I do agree with the guy who says “you’re not going to dig a signal at 14”. Not in a park situation anyway, but you would in a field or old site. Believe what you are seeing folks. I was amazed at the accuracy of the signals at 6’ 8’9 inches deep. They are spot on whereas the AT PRO (or at gold) would be jumping around to where you wouldn’t dig the target. My whole point is, yes the box 800 goes deeper, but the VDI numbers are more accurate on deeper targets, and that is a huge plus. And to the guy saying “use the Max or Gold in all metal mode to make it fair.” REALLY??? Have you ever used all metal mode? It’s not even an option unless you are gold prospecting or in a very clean field.
Been detecting sense 1970’s always like whites my most recent is the v3i. Unlike my xlt I have to find a very clean spot to bounce the stupid coil up and down to ground balance.a pain in the neck.i just seen some videos on the deus and was imprest by it’s performance .then seen it’s simplicity in being perfectly balanced I was sold.
I must confess I didn’t watch all of the video. Why, because air tests are not a real world scenario. I have an Equinox 800. That’s all I’m going to comment on. Texas Blaze may right I think, but maybe for his conditions. Here in Australia, all metal is an option every where BUT the goldfields, our goldfields have far too many hot rocks to use the nox in all metal. However in gold 1or 2 factory default, it will easily notch out ALL hot rocks ALL day long every time while still be able to pick up sub gram nuggets, down to 0.25 grams if they are shallow { less than 1″ }. I will admit in reality that figure is more like 0.5 grams most of the time but I have found 0.25 gram nuggets in real world situations. Any one who is sceptical then I would encourage you to try a nox 800 in a hot goldfield and see for yourself. Iam grateful to the Garret company for getting me into detecting in the late 1970’s with their state of the art Ground hog A2B, but I fear they may have not moved on from there, I was brand loyal and was reluctant to switch to minelab but when the writings on the wall it’s hard to ignore. Apologies to all Garret fans, I’ve already ducked to avoid the return fire !