Boar, metal detector and gun. Strange hunting related photos

The Path of the Hunter is endless (I hope) and not boring. See two strange hunting life photos that could impress me: a boar, a metal detector, and a gun.

In the first photo you can see a problem. In the second one – a solution ))



Other strange photos: a woman and a metal detector, pinpointer on a ski pole, handicapped metal detector (here, a woman’s hand was also in a play).

3 Responses to Boar, metal detector and gun. Strange hunting related photos

  • Our beloved children… My son comes to me this morning (with this post opened on the tablet) and asks “Daddy, but who took this photo? Was there another boar?” ))

  • Veloas iegadaties go-find-20

  • probably second photo is what guy in first photo made as soon as he got home

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