Garrett GTI 2500

The Garrett GTI 2500 and AT Gold Metal Detectors Discontinued

Seven years ago, at a meeting with their representatives, Garrett’s manufacturer proudly boasted of their achievements. When asked about Minelab’s new products, they responded, “don’t believe in paper tigers.” Well… Time has shown that the tigers were not made of paper, and today Garrett is doing everything they can to catch up. Continue reading

How to make a coil from electric kettle stand. It works!

Do you remember the hellish ACE machine that a real hoard was discovered by? It obviously had one thing missing, which is a search coil made from the stand for an electric kettle… Hold off on laughing, maybe you will cry later. So, if it’s possible to make a metal detector coil literally from trash, what do you pay your $150 or $200 for? Some people even have the hots for coils costing $1500. Aren’t they stupid, really? Buy a kettle with a $10 price tag, and you’ll be golden. You don’t know how to make a coil for your machine from a kettle? Look, it’s simple! Continue reading

Opening the Garrett GTI 2500. Inside pictures

Here’s a pictorial report of the Garrett GTI 2500 teardown for repair. What’s inside the electronics housing. What microcircuits are used in this machine. Everything is seemingly based on modern technology, but still, the Garrett GTI 2500 is definitely the device from the past. I wish you all happy hunting without breakage! Continue reading

18650 Rechargeable Battery for GTI 1500/2500 GTP 1350

How to insert the rechargeable batteries into the metal detector is a topic of interest that is really useful for those who are a little bit handy. Believe me, in five years a metal detector without rechargeable battery will be like a cell phone with batteries nowadays. Charging a rechargeable battery is cheaper and easier than buying the ordinary ones. Here’s a photo report: rechargeable batteries in the Garrett 1350 battery compartment (the same thing goes for the Garrett GTI 1500 and Garrett GTI 2500 detectors). Continue reading