Minelab Equinox 600 and Minelab Equinox 800. NEW 2017

Has Minelab made an XP Deus, but more awesome and submersible? A new Minelab machine looks like Chinese Deteknix. Is it just me who sees this? Here come the new products 2017 – Minelab Equinox 600 and Minelab Equinox 800 metal detectors.

Minelab Equinox 600

Minelab Equinox 600 and Minelab Equinox 800. NEW 2017

A multi-purpose metal detector designed for searching targets of different types. According to the manufacturer, you’ll overtop all existing VLF technology capabilities by far.

3 preset search programs: Park, Field, Beach. Operating frequencies: 5 kHz, 10 kHz, 15 kHz, and Multi (mixed). The distinctive feature of the Minelab Equinox 600 is a Multi-IQ technology. It’s when the detector is able to operate simultaneously at several frequencies. There is a usual graphic (semi-round) discrimination scale, VDI numbers. A large screen with backlight (different backlight modes including the automatic one). Automatic and manual ground balance. The manufacturer says that this feature was created anew, and you will really be able to work easily in any varying ground mineralization conditions (do you believe in it?). Noise Cancel, volume control, threshold, multi-tone audio response.

Minelab Equinox 600 and Minelab Equinox 800. NEW 2017

The Minelab Equinox 600 is an amphibious machine being able to function both on land and in water. Submersion up to 3 meters.

The Minelab Equinox 600 comes with an 11-inch DD coil. According to the first description, the detector is supplied with the wired headphones. It’s still an open question whether or not the Equinox 600 has wireless headphone connection.

Minelab Equinox 600 and Minelab Equinox 800. NEW 2017

The Minelab Equinox 600 has a straight shaft with an extended handle. It’s a usual round rod with the simple locking collars. The machine also has a simple armrest (has the latter been taken from the Minelab X-Terra?). Presumably Minelab needed more time to create an original armrest before the presentation. Maybe in the future the Minelab Equinox will be equipped with another armrest, with an additional power bank mount (for an extra portable battery that can be used to charge the main one).

Minelab Equinox 600 and Minelab Equinox 800. NEW 2017

A built-in rechargeable battery located in the handle, battery life: 10 hours. The Minelab Equinox charger has a magnetic connector… Personally I don’t like such non-standard solutions. The effect is that I can take only Minelab’s charger. From what I know of the manufacturer, I can already say that they will ask for very big money instead of a simple charger. But what did you expect, however? It’s a thing with a unique magnetic connector! Besides, you can go on hunting with the detector while charging it (the unit continues to work while the battery is charging).

The Minelab Equinox 600 price is $648.

Minelab Equinox 800

Minelab Equinox 600 and Minelab Equinox 800. NEW 2017

The Minelab Equinox 800 metal detector includes everything the Minelab Equinox 600 has. Plus operating frequencies: 5 kHz, 10 kHz, 15 kHz, 20 kHz, and 40 kHz (the latter high frequency coincides with the new XP Deus’ upper limit). 4 preset factory programs: Park, Field, Beach, Gold. There is also a customizable program.

Minelab Equinox 800

The Minelab Equinox 800 comes with the wireless headphones supplied. By the way, it’s a wireless module. These are not the ones you’ve seen supplied with the XP Deus (true wireless headphones). Here you have a wireless module into which the wired headphones are inserted, something like that.

Minelab Equinox 800

What’s unusual about this machine: the Minelab Equinox 800 has a Reactivity setting – the recovery speed adjustment, with 8 levels. This feature is identical to the already existing one of the XP Deus.

The Minelab Equinox 800 is priced at $899.

This is everything we know so far about the Minelab Equinox 600 and Minelab Equinox 800. The new information will be added as soon as ready. First and foremost, it’s interesting to see the tests. All about the new metal detectors will be collected here – Minelab Equinox 600 and Minelab Equinox 800.


60 Responses to Minelab Equinox 600 and Minelab Equinox 800. NEW 2017

  • Minelab Equinox 800 box:



    • That in soil test is without soil ontop of the target.

      • Not impressed at all with that test, why did they not fill the hole with the mineralized soil. If it would pick up the coin with hole filled with dirt, I would be impressed.

    • Its detecting the hole. numpty

  • Wow fantastic depth as well as lightning fast recovery, the Equinox looks like an amazing detector.

  • Ugly as hell!Looks like a Go-Find withe identity crisis. The super fast reactivity its something that the DEUS achieved at 2009.
    The tones are weird as all minelabs.
    The frequencies are the same as the Deus
    Only the multi freq and that is sumergible are the only real perks.

    • I think, they are head to head now. But Equinox is cheaper than a 28 Deus (11″) with a Control Box and what is the matter with a 15″ coil? :)

  • Great info and the machines look very promising but just to set the record straight, 40 khz does NOT “correspond to the new XP Deus upper limit.” With the new elliptical HF coil, the Deus can operate at a maximum frequency of 81 khz and 59 khz for the 9′ round HF round coil. That being said, the multi-frequency mode and purported high recovery speed of the unit, at the planned price point, make it VERY compelling

  • WOW I’m totally blown away. I was going to buy a Minelab Excalibur 2 to do some under water mding in 10ft or less of water but after seeing the equinox and it being water proof up to 10ft this is the machine for me!! I see a lot of the Ctx 3030 in this metal detector but would like to see this machine go head to head against each other. Yes the 3030 has a lot more options but I’m not interested in the options I’m interested in the performance. Cant wait to see some videos for this Amazing Machine.


  • From Equinox tester on Dankowski forum.
    Shelton [ PM ]
    Re: Here’s the new Minelab Equinox
    September 23, 2017 06:49PM Registered: 2 years ago
    Posts: 170
    I have the problem with machine to get constant signal from those objects with red flags or even with green too… Audio was not crisp. I was adjust few times noise cancel and sensitivity and frequency.

    Nothing. Maybe my unit was broken. I’m not sure. Coins on grass level and everything was ok.

    Those units are demo units still.
    Reply Quote Report

  • The more I see info on this detector the less I like about it .
    It air tests well but how deep will it detect in mineralised ground, the test of the ?2 coin was not buried but just done over an open hole.
    The trick with the large ferrous target amongst coins has been debunked.
    As for making every single frequency detector obsolete its pure hype & will be a massive letdown to people who buy it & realise it isn’t going to be anywhere near groundbreaking as made out.

  • More disappointing info on Equinox from tester Shelton from Tom Dankowski forum.

    Shelton [ PM ]
    Re: Here’s the new Minelab Equinox
    September 25, 2017 07:15AM Registered: 2 years ago
    Posts: 176
    You have subtitles with movie. I tried to noise cancel few times and sensitivity down, it was always the same.

  • Equinox finds deep Roman coin video

    • The man in the video was
      Knot very convincing and
      The hole was a different
      Shape and size after mmm

  • Equinox should have a user replaceable battery like the GoldMonster’s gasketed battery compartment which can take the rechargeable battery pack as well as a holder for AA batteries. Being limited to a fixed 10 hour battery that can’t be changed out is a real negative. I can’t believe this capability would add much if anything to the cost.

    • Could not agree with you more. Rechargeable batteries will eventually wear out & replacing them is going to be a problem.

  • a revamped 705, there you have it, set with cheap wireless phones and bingo, the sheep will fall 4 it!

  • Minelab got the hype it was after. The true test for me only comes using it myself in the fields of Virginia where ground minerals change rapidly! The end of the year is approaching. Other models will become available. It should bee an interesting time for us all!

  • Does anyone know how much the equanox 600 metal detector weighs, Thanks very much.

  • I am looking forward to the new Equinox, but not the battery issues.. Do you know a decent Li-ion battery only has 200 to 500 charges before it’s useless!!

    After a good season of metal detecting, put your machine down for a few months during the winter (some do) you try charging it and hoping to get the same usage time!

    It’s not going to happen! This is a serious design flaw! In 18 months time, your guarantee would have run out and and your battery not hold a full charge.. There will be people using their detector with a Powerbank attached to it all the time!

    When you go to get it fixed it will cost you an extra 100+ to get a replacement battery, by then a new machine would of come out with a removable battery..

    Great machine but what a joke!

    • I agree. That was the big design choice flaw I saw right away too, they all seem to have one or more glaring drawback. This detector can reportedly be used for more types of ground, more types of objects, multifrequencies, and it’s salt/fresh waterproof. Sounds like a great all around machine if it works well. But, we have to come up with a way to make them come back for the new one down the road, you know? If they design circuitry to fail with specific age, people catch on and it gives them a bad name. But a simple limitation like an internal battery can be overlooked and worked around, like has been said, with a extra charging cell. So if it at least detects well, their company name stays intact and people will defend their purchase choices and this model like I see happening with other models. Just like iphones, you’ll end up getting another with a fresh new battery.

      You can pretty much guarantee a group of people sat in a room discussing this battery choice and came up with a decision for a reason. I doubt that reason was solely cost savings, just like with iphones. I still want to get a hold of one of these and frankenstein it into the shell of a folding GoFind with a swappable battery compartment. It’s going to happen if it turns out that this detector works well. The standard straight pole may be sturdy, but I don’t need more ski poles to cram in the vehicle or to drag behind me on a hike. I would have loved for them to see the potential of their Go Find folding design and to have amped it up for use in the Equinox release. It seems as always, companies are run by people making people-like decisions.

  • Minelab Equinox Introduction Video


    From Minelab Metal Detectors about the Equinox battery.

    “The Li-ion battery in the EQUINOX detectors is easily replaceable. Minelab has not yet released official information as to whether or not a user can change the battery over without voiding warranty or if we recommend the battery is changed by a dealer or service centre. Further information about battery care and maintenance will be provided in the EQUINOX Instruction Manual, which has not been released yet. This will be available when the product is available. The EQUINOX detectors are not designed to run from AA batteries. However, you can use a standard USB power bank (as you do with mobile phones) to recharge the built-in battery and operate the detector at the same time.”


    • Interesting info to hear more about this internal battery. Something that poked my eye the first time I read about it.

      • Not harsh, but true and solemn funeral of old technologies!
        Garrett AT Pro, AT Gold, AT Max are all based on White’s Classic!
        This technology was outdated 30 years ago! It’s high time to bury
        its down!

      • I read his graphic backwords/wrong. I thought he was saying the Equinox (Ekinoks) was already proven DOA by some news of a flaw. Now I understand, thanks. It will be interesting to see if it becomes affectionately known as the Nox longterm or instead earns the nickname Noks or knocks.

  • Minelab is pleased to announce that the new EQUINOX Series of detectors is expected to be available for purchase worldwide from late January, 2018 onwards*.

    Since we first announced EQUINOX at Detectival in September, there has been unprecedented market interest in this product range.

    Volume production of detectors has started and will continue at a rapid rate across December and into the new year. Detectors are expected to be delivered to our sales channels in late January, subject to transportation scheduling.

    Customers who have pre-ordered detectors should thus expect to start receiving them from late January.

    We appreciate everyone’s patience in waiting for EQUINOX to be released and for your ongoing interest.

    Here are some of the more interesting finds from testing that has occurred in recent months.

  • Minelab Equinox Saltwater Beach Hunt in Hawaii by Dr Tones24k

  • I feel the reviews are not being honest. For instance, the video that shows the Equinox submerged, seemed to planned. It’s like this guy purposely turned the detector display away from him and then he had to take another look to make sure it was turned away. Maybe this is to hide a flaw? The flaw could be that it’s not waterproof in a quality way. Could it be that there is a design flaw? The placement of the battery in the handle might be a hazard. What if the Nox flexes in a surf and opens up a cavity allowing water to enter. Another no-brainer is that they were detecting on an open hole. I really want to spend my money on this but I want a good product. Since we are lacking good reviews and especially water reviews I think I will call this detector “Lieutenant Dan” until it get’s it’s sea legs back.

  • I realy want this machine to be good. I mainly detect undisturbed pasture and find the minelab safari I currently use a very deep machine regularly recovering hammered silver at 8″ , I’ve been a minelab user for many years but the weight of there machines has always been an issue. First thing I don’t like about the Equinox is the battery situation . lithium battery’s deteriorate over time, I just hope it will be user changeable. I don’t like the idea of carrying a separate usb power pack around just to keep it to topped up. Also I hope the depth capabilities are just as good or better than there older models. Think I will hold off buying one till there are more independent reviews , I recon at least 6 months for the real world reviews..

  • Equinox 800 – 600 is silent on coke but sings on Hammered “[Slow n low] on YouTube”

  • I’m sort of glad I did preorder one now,just seems abit funny there’s not one convincing real life depth test

  • =))

  • Minelab Equinox 800 Unboxing & Quick Test Video.

  • Minelab Equinox 800 Park Test Video

  • A few live night digs with the Minelab Equinox 800 Video – The Mental Detectorist

  • How long can the battery last per charge

  • Como queria um detector deste mais cade o dinheiro sou aposentado ganho pouco s? fico no sonho mesmo tenho um detector caseiro que n?o pode ver agua mais da pra distrair nas ca?adas

  • Anyone else having trouble getting an 800 still? “Just contact your nearest dealer” Har Har

    50 well known “respected” dealers out there with web stores with the text “In Stock” somewhere on their page so search engines find it. We see that in the search summary then waste our time going there to find more text suggesting you sign up or preorder and get in line.

    Where are all these people getting theirs from?

    • How can i get if i want to buy this Minelab Equinox 800?because im from malaysia..and how much?

      • Very funny indeed! Minelab has a factory in Malasysia where they
        make Equinox and all other Minelab’s devices and in Malaysia
        there is a short supply of Equinox because all stock (100%)
        is going to other countries of the world!
        Muhammad the nearest country where you can buy Equinox is the USA!

  • build in battery … is bad design, they could have power it with Lion cells, also stabele.
    Life off battery is limited, not many times chargingdyclus.
    So you have to go to a dealer for everything.
    I see that I am keeping my T2 for some longer…..
    Goot try for Minelab, but not good enough.

  • Noticed this on Twitter
    Minelab just announced their new detector (but we are sworn to secrecy on details) and think you will be excited like we are. Be one of the first to hear the public announcement by signing up for updates at @Minelab! #VictoryUnearthed #metaldetecing minelab.com/VictoryUnearth…

    • Marcus Wolf, thanks for news! We are waiting for Eunuch 400 a “double
      castrated” metal detector! First Eunuch 600/800 was castrated of Fer – Cond
      function, second Eunuch 400 will be castrated of the rest of functions, only
      ON-OFF function will be left! Official slogan: Dear customers meet Eunuch 400
      – the first “double castrated” metal detector in the World!

  • Short Video from Minelab doesn’t show much

  • Vanquish New Video from Minelab
    Unearth Performance | Minelab Metal Detectors

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