Another coil of Minelab Go-Find 40. Photo & video

I have the world’s first Go-Find with another coil! See the photo review and video test: Minelab Go-Find 40 metal detector with a 13-inch DD coil.

In its new product Minelab has implemented a Garrett’s long-cherished idea – it has made the coil that can’t be removed… One coil for the term of metal detector life. Time will show how bad it is. Removable coils really give the detector new capabilities. What if repair is needed?


At my request, MarsMD has added a connector to my Minelab Go-Find 40, so I can change the coils now. How my Minelab Go-Find 40 was opened and what’s inside – the photo report is here.

The first coil is a 13-inch Mars Tiger. Except the size, it differs from the original one in coil type. The original coil was of Mono type, whereas the new alternative one is of DD type.


By now, I can’t understand: why did Minelab set about doing a square coil? After going out with these machines (I also have the Go-Find 20), I didn’t get any practical sense out of it… 10 inches (diagonal) of the Go-Find can by no means be recognized, though. Can it be true that the difference in declared features of these coils is only 3 inches?


Here’s the original coil – Minelab 10 Monoloop (Go-Find). Its weight isn’t quite right as this coil has a connector now (earlier it was soldered right on the circuit board, in the control box).


The Mars Tiger coil is slightly heavier. But the hand doesn’t feel this difference in weight. When taking the Go-Find with Tiger I was surprised how lightweight it really is.


To replace the coil, it’s necessary to remove a protective shaft covering (white colored one in the Go-Find 40) – I have a threaded connector underneath. Other coil also comes with a spiral cable. So everything repeats the initial construction and remained on their places.


Having the large DD coil I see no point in carrying around the original one. I am familiar with Tiger coils and have got enough practice with them. As a universal coil for different targets it’s a 100% working option.


And what have I got except beautiful detector? Discrimination and pinpoint remained on the place. An iron nail is indicated by the first segment, copper and silver – by non-ferrous ones. The increase in depth (it was all started for the sake of it) has reached more than 35 percent.


As an example: when air testing with the original coil, a test coin is seen at depth of about 25cm. With the Tiger coil, the same coin confidently ‘steps over’ 30cm (even a bit more).


I didn’t shoot a piece of video where we were testing the original Minelab Go-Find 40 Mono coil and DD one using a chain as test target. It will be next time – Mono and DD coil difference really demonstrated. See all related to my Minelab Go-Find tests here.

All about the Minelab Go-Find 40 is collected here (news, tests, comparisons with other devices, different reviews and opinions). Plus, on Knowledgebase pages there is additional information you should know before buying the Minelab Go-Find 40. The experience of others will help you save your time and money. Happy hunting to everyone!

38 Responses to Another coil of Minelab Go-Find 40. Photo & video

  • I’m interested to know if the original square coil is actually a mono or not. It reacts more like a concentric, and it doesn’t make sense to use a mono coil with the VFLEX technology. I suspect it is in fact a concentric, but with the receive loop very close to the transmit loop. Air testing reveals that targets can be detected quite a long way from every side of the coil, so it appears that the wiring is all in the outer section. Do you have any plans to take it apart?

    • I think, any vflex coil used on the xterra line, from minelab or coiltech will work. “Go find”, works on the same software….

  • Ich m?chte eine sp?len Mars md Tiger f?r go find minelab kaufen, wo geht das

  • When you removed the coil and replaced it with a connector, how many wires were there in the cable?
    The GO-Find is supposed to be a mono, and the Mars coil is a DD. So how did you connect it?

    • Ahoj. Pustil jsem se také do výměny cívek. Zajímalo by mě také jak si z MONO udělal STEREO????

  • hello friends, can send me the diagram as did the reel change with Go find 40, I have all I just need to know how it goes the union cable and connector, if you have step by step …. thanks

  • as I can perform this conversion …. thanks

  • Hi I’ve just purchased a go find 60 not really having much luck with it interested in replacing the coil will this make it a better machine

  • There are a lot of people interested in this setup can someone please give us some information, I got a reply from marsmd that this was a once off coil for the go find.

    Was the coil just a ace 250 7.5khz tiger with a curly cord or was it a special made 7.8khz ?

    This website is great but impossible to get into anyone to help with what you are showing is possible?

  • slm minelap go find 60 a uyarmi bu baslik cvp

  • At my request, MarsMD has added a connector to my Minelab Go-Find 40, so I can change the coils now.

    IS what he said… so we would have to make some kind of special request for the Minelab go find 60

  • Hello, Could I know the detail, please.
    Eg. Wiring, what kind of connector was used?, Does any coil works????
    I have Go find 60 and I would like to modify it as well.
    Thank you.

  • Hi if anyone has any more information on this can you please email me the details on how to do this

  • I already cut my go find 40 but just see 4 wire. But that another coil look like have 5 wire. How to connect last 1 wire? Just leave it or what. But I not buy that coil. Just see, maybe next year I buy.

  • I have the plank open. she has three cables on it

  • Hi, I?d like to ask you how to connect a wires together. Can you send me a instructions by email please? And is the problem use this coil?.. Nel Sharpshooter Minelab X-Terra 7,5 kHz 24×14 cm. Thanks for your replay and sorry for my bad english. Have a good day!

  • I?ve got GO Find 60 and there is no big diferents between this coils. Go Find has 7.7 kHz and Mars Tiger with Nel Sharpshooter Minelab X-Terra 7,5 kHz. So Ihope it is no big problem.

  • My dear friends! Forget about “another coil” for Go Find once and for all!
    Minelab uses “mono coil” with compensation coil inside (for temperature
    compensation). There is strong suspicion that “coil data” are written
    in the CPU. If you put in different coil the CPU won’t recognize it!

  • Hello,

    question: where I can buy the Tiger coil with 7,5 kHz and spirale cable for my minelab go find 60???

    Thanks for answering. Looking for a location in Europe.



  • Hi .. I want to buy a Tiger disk .. I have a device and I want to buy a disk. Please help what is the way or where to get it

  • hello, sorry you know if this coil is compatible with go-find 66 thanks ..

  • hello you know if this coil is compatible with go-find 66 thanks ..

  • Some more information – the man with nickname 4uzhoj reported about coils
    for Go Find series on in topic “coils” look there.

  • Is there any chance you could show a pic of the circuit board as I’m interested how Mars MD have wired (I’m guessing here) a 5 pin plug to the 4 wires and if they only wired the 4 original wires which one from the coil they haven’t connected.



  • Has anyone info on coil covers for Minelab gf 44. And any information on this coil replacement would be awesome

  • Hi.

    I have a go find 66.
    You have soldered the connector to the cable or it is already factory installed.

    Did you have to adjust something or did you just swap it and it worked?
    Hello, Kriszt Gyula

  • Hi,
    I have a go find 66, I have also got an X-Terra 7.5mhz 9 inch double d coil. I know the 66 has 4 wires to the coil and the X-Terra has 8 wires. Could the X-Terra coil be wired up to the 66 or not. If it can could someone please tell me the coresponding wire colours to connect.

    Many thanks in advance

  • I tell you once more – read all my posts above!

  • Hi, how is it made?coil gofind 66

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