MD-Hunter Blog

Minelab Equinox – Minelab announces sensation! NEW 2017

A new metal detecting product 2017 is coming soon. Minelab has announced its new machine’s release date: September 16, 2017. No less important in this announcement is the place of the product’s release – the UK. There is a big chance that Minelab’s new detector will be not a gold one. But, then, what sort of unit is it going to be? Continue reading

Garrett AT MAX test on gold. And you thought it was a magic machine?

A 0.5 gram gold nugget at a 7.5 cm depth. Will the Garrett AT MAX be able to see such a find? And even if it can, will the target be identified as ferrous or non-ferrous metal? According to the manufacturer, the Garrett AT MAX metal detector has already gone on sale. Find authorized Garrett dealers near you. Continue reading

The last journey of treasure hunter and millionaire Stu Auerbach

It was in 1955 when a young man with an ordinary army mine detector appeared in Miami Beach and started picking up handfuls of rings, earrings, chains, keys and many other things sounding like consistent beep, beep, beep… Signal after signal his beach hunting was being turned into a spectacular show, gradually paving the way towards becoming a successful enthusiast millionaire. Continue reading

Fake Bounty Hunter TID from China. It’s all bad

China’s counterfeit metal detectors have been taken to a whole new level – fakes come less than a year after originals first saw the light. By comparison, the Chinese Garrett ACE 250 went on sale 7 years after the original was released. Here’s a video review: the Bounty Hunter Junior Target ID from China, a quickly produced fake. Continue reading

Minelab Gold Monster 1000: recovery speed test

Why does a Minelab Gold Monster 1000 have the manufacturer’s logo added to its control panel but the Minelab Go-Find doesn’t? Both control panels are very similar. Moreover, a new Minelab Gold Monster 1000 has basically been designed to become kind of Go-Find machine for gold prospectors. Time will show whether it’s good or the same as always. Watch the video: a Minelab Gold Monster 1000 recovery speed test, in a Monte’s Nail Board Test format. Plus a depth test and things. Continue reading