MD-Hunter Blog

White’s Goldmaster 24K. NEW 2018 (+ price, video)

Simply switch off the iron and stop picking up junk. You think it’s true? White’s has released a new product 2018 – a White’s Goldmaster 24K detector. That’s the good news as it first of all means that White’s brand still works. The resignation of their lead developer, unsuccessful novelties, elderly owners, attempts to sell the company, Chinese top managers – I need hardly say that after such chain of events you can expect just about anything from White’s. So far we have good news – here comes White’s new machine based on a Bi/XGB technology. Continue reading

DIY 3D-Printed Coil Cover

Every house will have a 3D-printer in the future. It will be possible to print a new eye, to copy a car, to make a search coil cover. The latter is already being fulfilled, though, by those who have one foot in the future, you know… Here’s an illustrative example: a 3D-printed coil cover. Large manufacturers ought to be ashamed of themselves, oughtn’t they (or not)? Continue reading

Nokta Makro Gold Kruzer Recovery Speed Test (+ Nail Board Test)

Here is a test of the Makro Gold Kruzer’s ablility to separate close together targets, conducted by blogger Michal Majchrowicz. Plus, a more complicated one – in Monte’s Nail Board format (a specific plane with the nails and coins). Will the Makro Gold Kruzer be able to pass these experiments? Continue reading

Minelab Equinox Coil X-Ray. Is it really the half of machine?

Minelab called their Equinox coils ‘smart’, and basically these ones stand for the half of the detector itself. I need hardly say that such coil will cost a considerable amount, and you shouldn’t be surprised… It’s interesting, of course, what Minelab are saying but the truth can’t be hidden anyway. I just want to ask, “Really, are you serious about that, Minelab?” So let’s take a look at the cool pictures: an x-ray coil for the new Minelab Equinox. Continue reading