The owners of fake Garrett Pro-Pointer AT complained that… they hadn’t been about to buy a counterfeit Garrett product – it was sold as authentic, maybe a little bit cheaper. So be careful – fake Garrett devices are mainly not personally handed from a seller to a customer but are pushed when it’s a purchase with a delivery option. And it’s impossible, much less just by looking at a picture, to distinguish at once between the fake and original unit. Everything looks similar, the counterfeit probe has even better package appearance. Well, you should know this Chinese approach… And it’s just the minute details because of which you can discern the difference. Half of all fake pinpointers don’t work at all, and even those that are operational fall far short of the authentic product. Moreover, all of them can’t be submerged in water as they leak right on the first submersion (the original is waterproof). Here are the pics (+ what’s inside the fake Garrett Pro-Pointer AT): Continue reading
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