Minelab’s new patent. A detector with magnetic field

Minelab has concluded the registration of a patent in which a metal detector with magnetic field generator is described. The patent promises a revolution in the field of metal detector discrimination. So let’s wait for the new product 2018, shall we?



They started in 2014, obtained the patent in 2016, and… probably in the next 2 years or so, we’ll see the result. This is how metal detectors of the future are created. The NEW 2018 category is open. All about Minelab is collected here.

37 Responses to Minelab’s new patent. A detector with magnetic field

  • Must have

    • minelab came out with multi frequency giving the detector more depth and full pick of the coil length not just a tiny spot in the middle

  • Technically beyond me but if it does some good eg more depth and clearer discrimination then I’m all for it. Great to know that the clever guys are thinking out of the box and working for Minelab.

  • are you all that stupid ? Its called continuous wave its been out over a year now, i’ve found over 4 lbs of gold with it, oh yeah its called a GPZ700..

  • this technology is exciting new, will open up the gold fields of australia all over gain, talking over from the gpz 7000 machine

  • Has any one ever found a magnet with a detector ? My detector went crazy! Small round magnets stacked together smaller then a dime

    • I have! Found an old horseshoe magnet. I don’t recall my detector acting unusual. I hunny with a Garrett at pro.

    • yep and a powerful little swine ,with my Xp Deus in a stubble field ,should I have not found it then!!!

  • its an amazing technology, lets hope they can install it in a lighter machine.

  • This new revolutionary Minelab detector will probably make all other detectors obsolete.

    • It will not find any more gold, silver or artifacts than the detectors did ten years back, but what it will do is relieve some of you of a few more shackles and minelab will laugh all the way to the bank.

  • Haven’t learned the 3030 yet.

  • Hello guys are we talking abt a new minelab gold detector model with this new technology built in to it or is it just a upgrade of some sort for gpz 7000 cheers

  • So what do current detectors use? Gamma rays?

  • Plus.Gold is not magnetic ,or silver .

    • Gold and silver are conductive that’s enough to detect them using
      constant magnetic field! You had to learn physics at scool better!

      • Ordered one then cancelled. It’s my understanding that it won’t do well on high conductive coins???

      • New Minelab’s metal detector Equinox has the lowest frequency
        of operation “as low as” 5kHz. At this frequency it will do well on
        high conductive deeply buried coins!
        At BBS mode it will do even better! (Better than E-Trac!)

  • Don’t you all get it. Companies are even taking over digs and ruining the hobby. The excuse that some cant get permissionsThe Metal Detector companies are getting like the mobile phone companies producing endless machines to just take your money. Both organisations on overkill.
    All these sponsored digs are to make a few people richer at the expense of the hobby.
    Oh to make you feel better it’s for charity.
    Lets not destroy the hobby and let the producers start making machines more affordable and not ripping off the hobbyists who make them a living.

    • Yep, the Gpx series showed how improvements were dripped fed over years to the consumer. At least with the Gpz the updates are free.

  • Ill stick with my 5000…and the new coils..evo and elete

  • Will it be called Equinox?

    • might be lol thanks iron mask . hope info is gonna leak soon. Well anyway it only 1 month from now…

  • we want a picture not this woofing about

  • Yep…The good old 2 box designe. ..it will go much deeper than the single coil.i hear they are having an active live coil receiver. …and super fast sample circuit. ..This will take it to the new level. Posable to only sence non ferrous. .repel of electrons technology. Neutron. ..proton. .accommodation. ..at coil..produced by creating a neutron field in the coil..basically pumping the desired magnetic electric current into the receiver. .Therefore incouraging negative signals into the receiver. …Also provides a place for the positive field..like a big capacitor. .With a brain…I’ll be saving up for this one…..

    • Is this a new coil design for the zed, or a entirely new detector, regards Joe from Nth Qld

  • Any new updates as of what being released in 2020 from minelab? Anything better than GPZ7000? Was looking to purchase GPZ7000 but worried that new detector is on its way. Any feedback would be appreciated.

  • anyone know who to speak to at Minelab about suggesting an idea for a new product? I believe it to be a good idea. It would only take the right person a minute to decide it’s possibilites. I know how Minelab is so protective of it’s products and how they fight the knock offs. This is the biggest reason I trust them to honor my idea as good if in fact it is.

    William Grothe

    • Hello William – Maybe we could talk sometime. I own an electronics development/manufacturing company and have many patents (EE and been in business for 40 years). I don’t know if you are willing to share your idea with a NDA agreement but it might be worthwhile developing it past the concept stage before you talk to potential detector companies. Proof of concepts are much more valuable than concepts alone. For me Minelab is a top-notch company. They have many engineers/interest and have the best technologies. A long-time detectorist here using: CTX-3030 and Vanquish 540, both great machines! Take care – Steve

  • The ‘Abstract’ describes every metal detector since 1925.
    i.e ‘Receiving a receive magnetic field’

    Using two frequencies is not novel, since every non-sinusoidal signal consists of multiple frequencies. i.e Every pulse induction metal detector uses a pulse that is a combination of multiple frequencies.

    I can see nothing new in this patent.

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