
Opening the Garrett MS-3 (wireless headphones)

Here’s a photo report of dismantling the Garrett MS-3 wireless headphones (which are used with the Garrett AT MAX or Garrett Z-Lynk wireless adapter). Plus, a circuit diagram and a board. I’ve tried out these headphones in practice – good ones, although a bit expensive. Continue reading

Opening the XP WS4 headphones. Wireless headset

The XP WS4 headphones. Wireless, lightweight, can be used in the absence of the remote control (the headphones enable you to adjust all of the detector’s basic settings). There is even a super-cheap XP Deus configuration – an XP Deus WS4. But for all that, the headphones break easily. If you wear them over a hat in winter (when the air temperature is below zero degrees Celsius), the headband will definitely break down. Mark my words: just try and see for yourself. That is, if you have an XP Deus, of course. Continue reading

Minelab Equinox 600-800 Parts & Accessories

The Minelab Equinox 800 can withstand submersion in water. But do you know which waterproof headphones fit this metal detector? You can’t plug whatever you want into the Minelab Equinox as the unit has a special socket. The Equinox waterproof headphones, however, can be connected to the Minelab WM 08 wireless module. Try to guess what it is for, and also how will the wireless headphones work underwater? Here’s a list of Minelab Equinox parts and accessories announced by Minelab (including the factory part numbers). Continue reading

XP Deus antenna installation + underwater headphones. Photo review

Any wireless metal detector technology can’t work under water. It would be OK if it were just the headphones as you can always use the wired ones. But what is to be done when the machine has a wireless coil? Right you are, you should add a few cables to the coil and make an antenna. Here’s a photo review: how to fit the coil antenna for underwater search to your XP Deus. Plus, have you ever seen the XP underwater headphones? These ones look unusual. It seems to me it’s not really the original accessory, and the chances are you can find the aftermarket ones too, as well as a waterproof remote control cover. Continue reading