Garrett AT Pro

Comparison: Garrett AT PRO vs Teknetics Patriot

Here are the Garrett AT PRO and Teknetics Patriot detectors. The first machine was released in 2010, the second one launched in 2017. Have they changed over the last 7 years? See the comparison between the Garrett AT PRO and Teknetics Patriot: a review, depth and recovery speed tests. Continue reading

Garrett AT PRO control box broke off. Repair option

All metal detectors break down: both expensive and cheap ones, sooner or later. The Garrett AT PRO isn’t an exception. One of the most unpleasant breakdowns is the control box coming off the shaft. So, if your Garrett AT PRO control box is still in place, be ready – it will surely fall off. Continue reading

Garrett wireless headphones. First video

Wireless headphones based on a transmitter-receiver principle are inconvenient. You have separate power supply for the detector, receiver and transmitter. You still have wires, though. Here’s a first video to watch: Garrett wireless headphones. Continue reading