Minelab Pro-Find 35 vs XP MI-6. Depth comparison

On the one hand, it’s a usual comparative test of the Minelab Pro-Find 35, XP MI-6 and Garrett Pro-Pointer AT probes. All three of these units can be submerged in water, are relatively new (fresh models) and have won definite recognition from treasure hunters. Deservedly or not, this is of no interest to us at the moment. It’s the other side of the coin that is of interest. The XP MI-6 is very often called the extra deep device. But it doesn’t fully reflect the actual situation. Yes, the probe is deep enough, but not so deep that you overpay for it. Moreover, you should be aware that even the most expensive (feature packed, recognized, widely promoted etc.) pinpointers can miss targets. Are you surprised? Take a look at this short test – very informative, +25 to any detectorist’s karma guaranteed. Continue reading

Comments on Minelab PRO-Find 35. The comparison, tests, drawbacks

The first Minelab PRO-Find 35 owners gave their feedback on this device: how it works, what the advantages and disadvantages are. Here’s a Minelab PRO-Find 35 test and a vast comparison with other probes. Plus, testing the pinpointer on gold. Continue reading